Sunday, September 2, 2007

One month down...26 to go! haha

Hello all!

Well I am adjusting well here and besided bug bites and other questionable things that I guess you could call bites, I am in health... or "Lahiya Lau" in Hausa. SO I have the BIGGEST news that affects the rest of the next two years of my life, where I will be posted! Drumroll please.... Zinder! Yes! I will be in the far east of the country which many of you may think is crazy, BUT I asked for this region because I've heard so many great things about it. First of all, Zinder used to be the capital back in the day so it is a big city (second to niamey) and I am only 35K away from it which is great. The people of Niger are supposed to be very laid back too and the city is supposedly cleaner. My village is right off of a main road so its easy to catch taxis to the city. A little about my village: has about 800 people, has a market 5K away, and there are some established NGOs there apparently--World Vision and GOAL. The girl who was stationed there before me said she made great friends and did good work with the clinic and actually built a school while she was there. There are a lot of women's projects going on like reading/writing classes in Hausa, sewing/knitting, and the girl before me taught them how to make tofu. how awesome is that? So, anyway, it sounds very exciting, and a soem of the PCV's in Niger have who knows? Maybe I'll get one! Anyway I'm VERY excited and do my "live-in" not this week but next week which means we go and stay there for abotu five days to do a trial run per say. Another good thing is that I will be next to another PCV...only about 7K and she is in training with me and is really nice. Okay, thats all about my village. Other good news, I'm getting a cell phone! Actually, I already got one, but I don't have teh Sim card yet with my phone number, but when I do I will let you know. So get your calling cards ready and call me up! Here is my new address starting October 1, 2007:
Sommer Neff PCV
Corps de la Paix
BP 641
Zinder, Africa
West Africa
Remember write "air mail" on whatever you send me.
I also want to let everyone know that I am doing really great! I feel like I am getting into a routine now which helps me relax a little and enjoy myself. Language is getting a little easier and I'm just trying not to put to much pressure on myself. I am in high spirits after learning about my future post. Also, I've made a couple of good friends, Natasha, Katie, and James to name a few who have been great ears for me to vent and gab to. However, with that said, I miss you all SOOO much and just wish that I could have you all here with me.
Okay, so Im goign to quickly explain these pictures and they are in no particular order as I am tyring to hurry because there is a line behind me.
1. The group going to Niger out of our Stage. There is only a lucky five of us and we are all girls. woo hoo! However we are joining a pretty big team so it's all good. They gave us awesome tshirts and made cookies for us when announcing our posts. So nice!
2. The "Shake"-- a prominent religious leader we met at at village south of Niamey. Very nice...he treated us all to dinner and cokes.
3. Me playing frisbee with the neighborhood hoodlums. gotta love em.
4. One of the first meals we all ate together. I eat liek this with my host family every night. On a mat with my hands. FUN! haha
Anyway, those are all the pics I could download right now, but i will try to do more later. Thanks for teh awesome camera by the way, it's come in handy.
Okay, well I have to end this, I wish I could write more, but will defintely do so when I have more time.
Missing you all!

1 comment:

NIGER1.COM said...

Hello these messages are from the website
Thank you for updating us on your life in Niger as a peace corps
We will be expecting to read more from You